Spudos - Packaging free crisps

We are very excited to be stocking packaging free crisps from Spudos!

Just bring your own bag, or container to fill up, then sprinkle on one of 6 flavours of “Spud dust”.

  • Salt & Vinegar 

  • Prawn Cocktail (back soon)

  • David Bacon

  • Chip Shop Curry

  • Nooch & Onion

  • Doner Kebab (NEW)

(all vegan and natural ingredients)

Where are they made?

Spudos are grown, and produced in Essex, on a sustainable farm that uses solar energy and runs the tractors on biodiesel from the waste rapeseed oil used for cooking the crisps.

UK grown rapeseed oil is used as much as possible. Sometimes this is not available, then it is sourced from Europe.

The farm is working towards organic certification. They use a digestate fertiliser made on site from maize and rye grown on the farm.  The potatoes are watered using the farms own reservoirs (as much as possible depending on rainfall), and if the potatoes need to be stored, they’re kept in solar powered cold stores.

What’s in the flavours?

Check out the full ingredients list of each flavour here.

The flavour shakers go back to Spudos when finished for cleaning and refilling.

How do they get from the farm to us?

They get from the farm to Spudos HQ (based at Containerville) in East London without single use plastic in the supply chain!! This is quite a rare system.

At the point of production the crisps are put into buckets, then delivered to Spudos HQ by the pallet.  Once they are empty, the buckets are then washed out and reused for the next delivery.  Even the pallets have reusable covers and straps, so no wasteful plastic wrapped pallets!by the pallet load.

Spudos transfer the crisps into smaller airtight containers for delivery to shops like us!

They come to us with other items from Planet Minimal (electric van) so we are saving on transport. 

We keep most of the crisps in the large air tight container to keep them fresh. Just a small amount are put in the customer dispenser. 

Once finished the large container goes back for cleaning and refilling.

How to buy them?

Option 1 - bring a tupperware container or air tight bag. Weigh your container. Tip in the required amount of crisps. Choose your flavour of Spud Dust and sprinkle. Shake gently. Although if you are cycling the shaking will be done for you!

Option 2 - use one of the compostable Spudos bags. Tip in the required amount of crisps. Choose your flavour of Spud Dust and sprinkle. Shake gently. When you get home, if there are any left, transfer to an airtight container.